
Room 12 Kirklandneuk

Tuesday, 3 October 2017

Term 1

Welcome to Room 12’s class blog. Since the start of term we have all settled really well into our new class. We came from different classes and we have made some new friends and are enjoying our new classroom.  

Our class novel is Charlie and the Chocolate Factory and it is amazing we are all really enjoying it!  
“ When we are reading, it makes us really hungry.”  Lexie 
“ We designed and decorated our own chocolate bars.”  Dylan  
“ It is a really good book!” Reegan  
“ We really liked drawing our own Willy Wonka pictures.” Chloe 
“ We also designed our front covers for the book.” Emma Mc  

Our topic this term has been Space and we are enjoying it. Using chalk and silver glitter we created our own Constellation pictures and these look really effective displayed on our window. We have watched some great videos clips that we found fascinating. We have also learnt the order of the planets and some rhymes to help us remember them.  

This term we have started doing PATHS lessons and this has been great, we have been involved in some great discussions. We particularly enjoy Pupil of the Day and creating compliments for that pupil. Our class are good at giving compliments.