
Room 12 Kirklandneuk

Friday, 30 March 2012

Happy Easter!

Well what a fantastic few weeks it has been in Primary 5! We have been learning all about how Jesus was killed on the cross on Good Friday and how he rose from the dead on Easter Sunday.
Primary 5 have been working incredibly hard learning 4 songs for their assembly along with their script and a poem, 'Chocolate Easter Bunny'.
The children have been very sad that their football coaching has ended as they enjoyed learning new football skills.
Many children also enjoyed participating in the end of term reward, a pyjama party.
At the pyjama party, there was a magician called Magic Den. He performed numerous tricks which the children were in awe of! Miss Mayne was even asked to help with the dancing competition!
A very happy easter to all children in primary 5!

Thursday, 15 March 2012

February/March 2012

WOW! What an interesting and challenging topic! Let's Rock the 60's was a fantastic topic where we were able to learn about toys in the 60's, school in the 60's, the metric money system among many other things!
Primary 5 have thoroughly enjoyed researching the 60's and finding out about bands from the era! Not only that, the class made music videos, wrote songs, created music on the computer and put it all together!
It was fantastic! All of this preparation led to a fantastic open evening where children and adults were able to explore the 60's, music and watch an amazing rock concert!
This term the children have also taken part in Zumba activities, the RSCPA have visited the classroom and Lepra have visited the school! :)