As Deep As The Ocean
After the October holidays Primary 5 were excited to learn about their new topic about oceans! What an interesting topic it has been where the children have enjoyed researching different fish and sea creratures! Not only this, we were lucky enough to gain a new pupil to our class, Ben. We were all so excited to meet a new friend and we have not been disappointed! :)
After creating the hometeams for the topic, 'The Jellyfish', 'The Fearless Sharks', 'The Killer Whales', 'Stingrays', 'Swordfish' and 'Dolphins', the children were keen to begin learning about the ocean in more depth. :)
We started by learning about vertebrates and invertebrates and how these can be classified. We also discovered that sharks are a little bit different because their bodies are made from cartilage instead of bone! Wow! Primary 5 learned about food chains and how different fish eat and are eaten by others in the ocean in order to keep the ocean alive.
Primary 5 also enjoyed extending their mapping skills by plotting on maps where the different oceans can be found. We also learned more about co-ordinates by playing battleships and we are now much more confident!
For our homework we had to create a factfile about weird yet wonderful sea creature or fish. They were fantastic! We were able to explain what ocean the fish could be found, what it eats and what eats it and we also detailed some interesting facts about the fish or sea creature! Once these were completed we discussed the great parts of each factfile with each other and there were so many brilliant examples!
As we were enjoying learning about such strange sea creatures and fish we were keen to learn about some more! In our hometeams we researched sea cucumbers, sharks, the portugese man of water, lion fish, starfish and sea dragons. We used books and the internet to found out some facts about them to share with the rest of the class. We were able to find out lots of information which made it easier for us to present our fact sheets to the rest of the class!
Not only did Primary 5 do a great deal of reserach this term but the class learned about sound waves, endangered species and of pollution in the ocean! Primary 5 loved learning about the ocean and are really excited to find out about our next topic.
November and December have been extremely busy and exciting months! As mentioned before, we were lucky to gain a new friend in Primary 5. In addition to this we have been busy entering competitions on road safey, for 'Show Racism the Red Card' and for the Food Standards Agency. Our entries have been excellent this year and we are waiting to hear back early in 2012!
In November we had our Christmas Fayre and our crafts were a sellout with only two not being sold! Our notebooks were an exciting addition to the fayre this year. Many of us went to the fayre and what fun we had! It was also Children in Need day and the class all supported the cause by wearing spotty clothes! What a dotty bunch! :)
At the beginning of December we had our Christmas concert and our class sang brilliantly! Jingle Bell Rock by the Beatles was simply rocking! The class bopped and danced to the audience's delight!
After creating the hometeams for the topic, 'The Jellyfish', 'The Fearless Sharks', 'The Killer Whales', 'Stingrays', 'Swordfish' and 'Dolphins', the children were keen to begin learning about the ocean in more depth. :)
We started by learning about vertebrates and invertebrates and how these can be classified. We also discovered that sharks are a little bit different because their bodies are made from cartilage instead of bone! Wow! Primary 5 learned about food chains and how different fish eat and are eaten by others in the ocean in order to keep the ocean alive.
Primary 5 also enjoyed extending their mapping skills by plotting on maps where the different oceans can be found. We also learned more about co-ordinates by playing battleships and we are now much more confident!
For our homework we had to create a factfile about weird yet wonderful sea creature or fish. They were fantastic! We were able to explain what ocean the fish could be found, what it eats and what eats it and we also detailed some interesting facts about the fish or sea creature! Once these were completed we discussed the great parts of each factfile with each other and there were so many brilliant examples!
As we were enjoying learning about such strange sea creatures and fish we were keen to learn about some more! In our hometeams we researched sea cucumbers, sharks, the portugese man of water, lion fish, starfish and sea dragons. We used books and the internet to found out some facts about them to share with the rest of the class. We were able to find out lots of information which made it easier for us to present our fact sheets to the rest of the class!
Not only did Primary 5 do a great deal of reserach this term but the class learned about sound waves, endangered species and of pollution in the ocean! Primary 5 loved learning about the ocean and are really excited to find out about our next topic.
November and December have been extremely busy and exciting months! As mentioned before, we were lucky to gain a new friend in Primary 5. In addition to this we have been busy entering competitions on road safey, for 'Show Racism the Red Card' and for the Food Standards Agency. Our entries have been excellent this year and we are waiting to hear back early in 2012!
In November we had our Christmas Fayre and our crafts were a sellout with only two not being sold! Our notebooks were an exciting addition to the fayre this year. Many of us went to the fayre and what fun we had! It was also Children in Need day and the class all supported the cause by wearing spotty clothes! What a dotty bunch! :)
At the beginning of December we had our Christmas concert and our class sang brilliantly! Jingle Bell Rock by the Beatles was simply rocking! The class bopped and danced to the audience's delight!