
Room 12 Kirklandneuk

Friday, 2 September 2011

Welcome to Primary 5!

What a fantastic first few weeks it has been!

Primary 5 have learned about Muslim Weddings. Primary 5 wanted to know what Muslims wear on their wedding day. We discovered that Muslim brides wear striking red outfits and the grooms wear light trousers and a longer top. We learned that Muslim brides have henna painted onto their hands and feet before their wedding day. The children designed intricate henna patterns on a hand template. They are so detailed! Fantastic work!

We made Sharbat, a watermelon drink which is consumed at the feast after a Muslim wedding. In P.E. we learned some Bollywood dancing. We used the moves that we learned to create some of our own Bollywood dance routines.

Not only have we been learning about Muslim weddings, we have been reading an exciting novel in the class, "Skulduggery Pleasant" by Derek Landy.

Primary 5 have been thoroughly enjoying reading this novel about a skeleton who has magical powers over the elements.

On the 5th of September we were fortunate because we were able to meet the author Derek Landy at the Mitchell Theatre in Glasgow. This was a fantastic opportunity to have our books signed and to ask the author some questions. We all enjoyed the jokes Derek Landy made when he made his presentation and when he spoke to each one of us.

Many of the children in the class became members of committees in the school. Our anti-bullying representatives are Rebecca Leiper and Spencer Smythe. Our pupil council representatives are Alana Thomson and Kyle Burling. The eco representatives for primary 5 are Bryan Wyllie and Emma Carlton.

The pupils of the week have been:

19th August- Kyle Burling

26th August- Spencer Smythe

2nd September- Meghan Byars

9th September - Emma Dunn

We have just begun our first topic on France... Ooh La La!